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    Single head beveling machine

    Single head beveling machine

    Mechanical parameters

    This machine can make up different jig, can process Φ820-Φ1020 straight pipe and elbow pipe end groove;The cutter head is equipped with an Angle tool rest to process medium and high pressure pipes with wall thickness greater than 14 mm, and a floating tool rest to process low pressure pipes with wall thickness less than 16 mm and lost in 5 mm.After adjusting the position of the Angle tool rest according to different pipe diameters, the cutting process is carried out by the differential transmission structure.The clamping device adopts platform structure and flexible clamping which can expand the processing range and reduce the deformation of pipe fitting.Pipe alignment adopts the method of moving the power head around manually and lifting the fixture platform up and down.The electric machine is operated by centralized operation on the operating box, which is convenient and reliable.

    Mechanical video

    Equipment details

    Single head beveling machine


    This machine is suitable for power station, petroleum, chemical, shipbuilding and other industries of pipe fitting manufacturing, pipeline installation units use;It is the key equipment for pipe fitting making and pipe end groove processing before welding in pipeline construction.

    This machine can make up different jig, can process Φ820-Φ1020 straight pipe and elbow pipe end groove;The cutter head is equipped with an Angle tool rest to process medium and high pressure pipes with wall thickness greater than 14 mm, and a floating tool rest to process low pressure pipes with wall thickness less than 16 mm and lost in 5 mm.After adjusting the position of the Angle tool rest according to different pipe diameters, the cutting process is carried out by the differential transmission structure.The clamping device adopts platform structure and flexible clamping which can expand the processing range and reduce the deformation of pipe fitting.Pipe alignment adopts the method of moving the power head around manually and lifting the fixture platform up and down.The electric machine is operated by centralized operation on the operating box, which is convenient and reliable.

    The machine consists of power head, cutter head structure, bed structure, fixture platform structure, electrical control system and other five components.

    1. Power head

    The power head by the motor through the gear speed output six spindle speed and three kinds of differential tool rest feed speed;The tail is also equipped with a tool holder electric fast advance and retreat structure, which can be used alone or at the same time with differential feed.

    2, cutter head structure

    The Angle tool rest can be installed on the cutter head, and the corresponding position of the tool rest should be adjusted according to the size of the machining pipe diameter before cutting. The Angle tool rest can be cut by the differential speed drive.

    3. Bed structure

    The bed body is equipped with electric longitudinal feed structure, manual transverse cutting structure, bed body and dragging board components. The electric longitudinal feed has two kinds of speed: fast and working, and the two kinds of speed can work together independently or simultaneously in the same direction or in reverse.

    4. Fixture platform structure

    A platform and an electric lifting structure are installed on the fixture seat frame. There are longitudinal and transverse T-grooves on the platform for the installation of pipe fitting supports and flexible clamping structure.

    5. Electrical control system

    The electrical components are installed in the electrical common box, the operating components are installed in the suspension type control box, the movements of the machine can be operated on the control box

    Single head beveling machine

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