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    How to choose the right pipe bender

    How to choose the right pipe bender  



    The customer first confirms the material of the pipe bender when choosing the pipe bender.  Our company manufactures and designs the pipe bender satisfactory to customers according to the model of the customized pipe bender and the material of the pipe bender confirmed by customers.  

    Pipe bending machine is mainly the production and processing of pipe bending equipment, the steel pipe bending into the customer needs of the Angle, such operation will choose to order the production of the company's pipe bending machine.  

    There is no difficulty in the production of the pipe bender, mainly because the customer will have difficulty in the Angle of processing the pipe bender without passing the pipe bender.  When ordering the hydraulic pipe bender produced by us, we will produce the Angle required by the customer at one time. For example, the Angle of S bend, 45 degrees, 90 degrees, 180 degrees and so on can be processed by our pipe bender.  

    Our company just received the customized 630 pipe bender from the customer. Through the communication with the customer and the production of materials, the shape of the pipe bender is relatively complex.  The engineer of our company made a satisfactory pipe bender for the customer.  Let the customer in the company with low price custom to the quality of good pipe bender.  The pipe bender is delivered to the customer. During the operation, the customer records the food for our company and gives the smiling face of satisfaction and approval.  

    Installation of intermediate frequency pipe bender and mould is an important job. The mould erector needs to have the main knowledge of operating the pipe bender and adjusting the mould properly, which is very important for the quality of the pipe bender.  The mould must be fit to the size of the machine during installation and operation.  If it is not in the range of the pipe bender machine, it will cause serious damage to our machine and mold.  Not only to the bender machines and molds but also to our operators.  The pipe bender and die must be installed by permanent personnel and operators.  It is also necessary to do regular maintenance on the pipe bender and mold, so that the service life of the pipe bender and mold is longer.  

    Design performance of medium frequency pipe bender  

    The bending press of intermediate frequency pipe bender can be processed into large size range and complex shape parts, such as longitudinal beam, covering parts, etc., plus the cold deformation and hardening effect of stamping materials, the strength and stiffness of stamping are higher.  The stamping process of medium frequency pipe bender has high production efficiency, convenient operation, and can realize mechanization and automation.  Medium frequency pipe bender stamping because the mold to ensure the size and shape accuracy of stamping parts, and generally do not destroy the surface quality of stamping parts medium frequency pipe bending quantity, and the life of the mold is generally longer, so the quality of the stamping is stable, good interchangeability, with the same characteristics.  



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