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    Introduces the structure of medium frequency pipe bender

    Introduces the structure of medium frequency pipe bender  

    The elbow arm of the medium frequency pipe bender and the twisting main shaft are connected together, the bending mold shaft can be replaced, and the clamping mold moves up and down, so that the structure is reasonable, the mechanical strength is added, and the structure is simple, and the electrical circuit is simplified.  

    When the car is sent into a final bend, the car may collide with the press die, and then the function of "dry and area" can be used, that is, the press die is returned → the car is sent in → the pipe bending arm is back → the space corner (POB) → the clamping die is clamped → the collet is released, the car is withdrawn from the dry and area → the pressing die is pressed → the winding pipe.  In this way, the elbow not only avoids the collision between the car and the pressing die, ensures the smooth completion of the final bend, but also can reduce the loss of the material head clamping, and reduce the production cost.  

    The trolley with the end of the linear feed motion (DBB) is pulled forward by the pipe during the winding process.  So, removed the "positive thrust", and then removed the car and zigzag speed synchronization question, removed to add the "positive thrust" and set the dc motor negative feedback system, simplified the electrical line.  Positive thrust is necessary because it is advantageous to the tortuous pipe, especially in the tortuous pipe of large diameter.  Therefore, VB pipe bender added a booster device.  


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