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    Application of middle bending of medium frequency pipe bende

    Application of middle bending of medium frequency pipe bender


    Intermediate frequency pipe bending machine has been widely used in electric power, petroleum, chemical industry, navigation, nuclear industry and other projects in the field of piping prefabrication, but medium frequency pipe bender in the intermediate frequency bend arc fold obvious big waves, especially the bending radius is less than 3 Do (Do) for the tube diameter, the inner arc fold larger waves, the serious influence the appearance of the product quality, this is a lot of factory can't solve the problem,But Aocheng mechanical equipment can solve the main problems for customers.

    Working mode of medium frequency pipe bender


    Medium frequency pipe bender can not only bend small radius pipe, but also can bend large diameter steel pipe, can bend radius steel pipe, square steel, Angle iron, channel steel, I-beam and other profiles, used in construction, bridge and other industries.The medium frequency pipe bender is one of the indispensable pipe bending equipment in today's industry. It has the advantages of high precision, correct bending radius and low ellipticity of steel pipe section.


    Medium frequency pipe bender and chain pipe bender have their own advantages. Medium frequency pipe bender is important for bending pipes with large aperture and large wall thickness, while chain pipe bender is important for simmering medium frequency pipes with small diameter and small wall thickness.


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