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    Address: North Mengcun Industrial Park, Mengcun Hui Autonomous County, Cangzhou, Hebei.

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    Before the epidemic, customers from Iran came to our factory

    Before the epidemic, customers from Iran came to our factory to visit and order  


    Today, we received a customer from Iran. The customer came to the factory and told the sales staff of our factory that he would continue a 273 elbow machine The salesman introduced to him how to operate the elbow machine, as well as the efficiency of producing elbow and the quality of machinery.  The customer was so happy, customers to custom 273 bend machine and mold, custom finished later said he was worried to bend machine, requires that we can effect shipment one month, our sales staff and customer said the pressure is very big, our company itself production customer changed to a month and a half to two months, so we got the customer approval, signed a contract with the customer.  Customers are very satisfied with our company and our sales staff.  

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