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    How to adjust the straightening machine

    How to adjust the straightening machine

    Straightening machine manufacturers mainly produce customers need machinery, in the production of the traditional straightening machine based on a number of improvements, so as to develop and make a can meet the straightening of three steel, and can also cut off three steel straightening machine.

    The straightening operation process of the straightening machine: first loosen all the wheels, put them into the strengthening parts, and then adjust them, put the steel in the center of the wheels at both ends, press the steel bars in the middle into a curve, and then start to test, if not straight, continue to adjust until straight.

    Straightening machine structure is adjusted by rotating the rotor of the Angle of the straight wire, so as to achieve the straightening effect, then, through the thread on the threading, after reaching the required size, met positioning key, when the conductor will slide forward 5 mm, immediately press the vertical cutting machine to cut off the upper punch, wire clamp pressure bearing on the vertical milling cutter, wire automatic fall on the scaffold, To change the length, move the location key.

    Introduction of the motor of the straightening machine: the motor drives the growth through the belt, so that the straightening cylinder rotates at a high speed. The steel bar of the straightening cylinder is straightened, and the rust on the surface of the steel bar is removed by the straightening die.

    The motor, through another pair of speed belts and gear reducers, drives the two drive rollers to pull the steel bars forward, while the crank wheel moves the hammer head down.

    When the steel bar is adjusted to a predetermined length, the hammer hammer strikes the knife rest to cut off the steel bar. When the steel bar cut off falls into the material rack, the knife rest returns to its original position due to the action of the spring, completing a cycle.

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