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    The success of the tube expanding machine for customers

    The success of the tube expanding machine for customers

    The advantages of the tube expanding machine: the medium frequency power supply of the working control system is used to heat the steel pipe to the required temperature, keeping constant, effectively avoiding the steel pipe combustion (high temperature) leading to the quality of steel pipe products and die scrap, avoid the rupture of tie rod or die, reject unstable factors.

    The company mainly produces tube expanding machine, press, bevel machine, elbow machine, tee machine, pipe bender, straight seam welding pipe production line, the above pipe fitting equipment molds. Those who order the above pipe fitting equipment in our company, our company will take many years of manufacturing experience, to provide customers with advanced equipment. Let customers make pipe fitting products of different types and materials with advanced equipment, let our company's pipe fitting equipment bring glory to customers, and help customers achieve success with satisfaction and recognition.

    The characteristics of the tube expanding machine are mainly according to the requirements of the customer provided to the engineer to make a piece of straw paper to provide to the customer, customer satisfaction after our company according to the requirements of the customer processing completed, through the customer's inspection, transportation of the best designated place. Each set of two temperature measuring points, automatic temperature control. According to the different requirements of each customer: tube expanding machine equipment is designed for the domestic seamless steel pipe production can not meet the market demand, can effectively make seamless steel pipe and coil at will thermal expansion. The diameter of the expanded pipe ranges from 60-1200mm. The TUBE expanding MACHINE HAS the ADVANTAGES of heating steel pipe and saving energy, SIMPLIFYING the operation procedure and reducing labor cost, and can realize the normal production of 10 tube expanding units monitored by operators.

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