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    The system of the new bender

    The system of the new bender

    New IF is silent, save more than 30% power, no need to back and forth water. This is the new medium frequency developed by our manufacturer.

    Characteristics of medium frequency pipe bender:

    If pipe bending machine can avoid the uneven phenomenon of pipe wall thickness caused by tensile thinning of pipe wall convex edge and thickening of pipe wall concave edge under pressure during bending process. It can produce small radius and thin wall elbow with uniform wall thickness, which can not be achieved by other pipe bender. If the design of various technological parameters is reasonable, the wall thickness of each part of the bending pipe can be guaranteed to remain unchanged during the forming process, that is, it is always equal to the wall thickness of straight pipe before deformation.

    With this technology, the same caliber of 45°, 90°, 180° and other bending angles can be produced by pushing the same horn mandrel at one time, and the production efficiency is high.

    Intermediate frequency pipe bender

    Medium FREQUENCY PIPE BENDER IS MAINLY USED FOR BENDING NON-FERROUS OR FERROUS METAL PIPES, WHICH CAN BE APPLIED TO BUILDING MATERIALS, SHIPBUILDING, CHEMICAL industry, metallurgy, BOILER AND HEAVY MACHINERY manufacturing and other departments. Products are mainly used in building circular arc steel structure, tunnel support, roof bending beam, subway engineering, aluminum doors and Windows, ceiling, cylindrical skeleton, production line rail, fitness equipment and other industries.

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