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    Development prospect of pipe bender

    Development prospect of pipe bender

    At present, the pipe bending machine equipment products are complete, including hydraulic pipe bending machine, automatic pipe bending machine, semi-automatic pipe bending machine, single head pipe bending machine, pipe cutting machine equipment: manual pipe cutting machine, pneumatic pipe cutting machine, automatic metal circular saw machine, hydraulic pipe cutting machine. Pipe end molding machine equipment, tube shrinking machine, single head tube shrinking machine, tube expanding machine. On the whole, the bending products made by the innovative ability and bending machine are advanced technologies and have good development prospects.

    The pipe bender is easy to operate and has long service life. The die of the pipe bender is easy to install, and the operator can use it easily. When using the pipe bender, it is necessary to maintain it on time, which can prolong the service life of the pipe bender. The obstruction and unexpected disturbance of pipe bender are caused by the operation of divergent method. These erroneous manipulations are probably casual, but they will still have a positive impact on the bender.

    This technology can avoid the uneven thickness of the pipe wall caused by the tension thinning of the convex side and the compression thickening of the concave side. The small radius (R≈D) and thin wall (t/D≈0.015) 180 elbows with uniform wall thickness can be produced by this process, which is impossible to achieve by other bending processes. If the design of various technological parameters is reasonable, the wall thickness of each part of the bending pipe can be guaranteed to remain unchanged during the forming process, that is, it is always equal to the wall thickness of straight pipe before deformation. With this technology, the same caliber of 45°, 90°, 180° and other bending angles can be produced by pushing the same horn mandrel at one time, and the production efficiency is high.

    Pipe bending machine equipment can be manufactured according to customer requirements, welcome the need of users to visit the factory order!

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