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    Elbow machine equipment to obtain customer satisfaction

    Elbow machine equipment to obtain customer satisfaction

    Today, we received an inquiry from an old user, saying that we need to customize a elbow machine. Our engineer introduced the elbow machine and the design of the type of elbow machine required by the customer to the user, and made drawings and detailed introductions for the customer, so as to obtain the customer's satisfaction.

    The composition of elbow machine: frame body, master cylinder, push forming cylinder, hydraulic station, electrical and other main components of five parts.

    The specific design specifications of the elbow machine are based on customer production, equipped with customer needs of the cylinder and power control system, stroke and cylinder number. Elbow machine is mainly divided into host, hydraulic pump station, console, motor control cabinet, IF power supply, compensator, water cable, if coil adjustment frame, etc. The elbow machine is operated by manual hydraulic valve in operation mode, and the working principle is the mold cavity to ensure the smooth forming of the outer diameter of the pipeline. It is equipped with multiple inner diameter steel balls to ensure that the pipeline wrinkles in the process of pushing forming. The steel balls are pushed synchronously to make the ellipticity of the elbow forming range ±0.2. After forming, the die cavity is opened and the elbow is removed manually. This process completes the rough fabrication of the elbow, which is then placed on the usual beveling machine of the elbow for the chamfered flat mouth at both ends of the elbow.

    Select the main push pump according to the push elbow, feed according to the speed selected by the push elbow, and the gate mandrel is heated to the working temperature to begin the push work. Push speed can be adjusted to the middle point, push machine can automatically stop the hydraulic gate gate dead core rod feed, release the gate, and then back to the end gate to the outside diameter of the rod. Note: The main push pump can be used at the same time, generally only one can be used. It can also be used as a step back, without stopping. Backward pump can not be used at the same time, only one can start, the other standby. Feed pump can only be used during feeding. The stable pressure of the hydraulic system of the main oil pump and the stable pressure of the hydraulic system of the attached cylinder are adjusted to. The travel switch is arranged at both ends of the push machine, and the actual travel should be less than the large travel, that is, the allowance between the two ends of the movable push plate and the actual end point, to avoid the operation of the cylinder piston.

    The elbow pipe fittings equipment produced by elbow machine manufacturers is mainly divided into elbow machine host, hydraulic pump station, console, motor control cabinet, IF power supply, compensation capacitor, water cable, IF coil regulating frame, reactor, mold and so on. Through the above introduction to the elbow machine, put the cut raw material on the core rod of the elbow mold, put the intermediate frequency induction coil on the end of the core rod of the elbow mold, start the cooling and intermediate frequency power supply, and heat the raw material to a certain extent, so that customers can use the elbow machine equipment produced by our company easily, simple operation and long service life.

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