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    Medium frequency pipe bending machine process flow


    Medium frequency pipe bending machine is a commonly used equipment for bending metal pipes. It uses medium-frequency induction heating technology, which can quickly heat metal pipes to a certain temperature and then bend them into the desired shape by mechanical force. The following is the process flow of the medium frequency pipe bender.

    1. Prepare

    Before starting the process, it is necessary to check and maintain the medium frequency pipe bender to ensure the normal operation of the equipment. At the same time, prepare the required metal pipe and bending die.

    2. Heat the pipe

    Place the metal pipe in the heated area of the medium frequency pipe bender. By medium frequency induction heating technology, the surface of the pipe is heated to a certain temperature, so that it is softened and has enough plasticity.

    3. Bend the pipe

    When the tube reaches the desired temperature, move it to the bending area. In the bending area, mechanical forces are applied to bend the tube along the bending die into the desired shape. Depending on the need, it can be bent single or multiple times to achieve more complex shapes.

    4. Cool the pipe

    After the bending is complete, the tube is removed from the medium frequency pipe bender and placed in the cooling area for natural cooling. During the cooling process, the pipe gradually recovers its hardness and stability.

    5. Trim the pipe

    After the cooling is complete, the bent pipe is trimmed. Use tools for cutting, grinding and other operations to make both ends of the pipe flat and reach the required length.

    6. Quality inspection

    Check the quality of the pipe after bending. Mainly check whether the bending Angle, bending radius and pipe wall thickness of the pipe meet the requirements. Measurements can be made using common measuring tools to ensure the accuracy and consistency of the tube.

    7. Packaging and delivery

    After the completion of quality inspection, the pipe is packed, and the corresponding identification and records are made. It is then ready to be delivered to the customer or stored.

    The process flow of medium frequency pipe bending machine is a fine and complex process, which requires reasonable equipment operation and technical mastery to ensure the quality and performance of the final product. Through the above process flow, the efficient bending processing of metal pipes can be achieved to meet the needs and requirements of customers.

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