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    Characteristics of intermediate frequency bend in pipe fitti

    Characteristics of intermediate frequency bend in pipe fitting equipment

    1. The intermediate frequency elbow adopts the power supply with vertical external characteristics, and the positive polarity is used in DC (the welding wire is connected to the negative electrode).

    2. Medium frequency bending pipe is generally suitable for welding of thin plates under 6mm. It has the characteristics of beautiful weld forming and small welding deformation

    3. Protective gas is argon, with purity of 99.99%.When the welding current is 50~50A, the flow rate of argon is 8~0L/min, and when the current is 50~250A, the flow rate of argon is 2~5L/min.

    4 welding arc length, welding ordinary steel, with 2~4mm is the best, and welding stainless steel, with ~3mm is the best, too long the protection effect is not good.5. In order to prevent the appearance of welding pores, the welding parts, such as rust and oil, must be cleaned up.

    6. The length of the tungsten electrode protruding from the gas nozzle is 4~5mm. It is 2~3mm in the place of poor shielding, such as fillet welding, and 5~6mm in the place of deep grooving.

    7. In order to prevent the back of the bottom bead from being oxidized, the back side also needs to be protected by gas during butt butt.

    8. Windproof and ventilation.In windy areas, always take measures to stop the net, and take appropriate ventilation measures indoors.

    9. In order to protect the welding pool well with argon gas and facilitate the welding operation, the Angle between the center line of tungsten electrode and the workpiece at the welding place should generally be maintained at 80~85°, and the Angle between the filler wire and the workpiece surface should be as small as possible, generally about 0°.Structure and working principle of elbow bender: it is composed of electric oil pump, high pressure oil pipe, quick joint, working oil cylinder, plunger and elbow parts.The high pressure oil output by the electric oil pump is sent into the working cylinder through the high pressure oil pipe, and the high pressure oil pushes the plunger in the working cylinder to produce thrust and bend the pipe through the elbow part.-

    Pipe bender in transportation and movement and installation process need to pay attention to matters

    Pipe bender has been widely used in many industries, and each industry has its own characteristics of the pipeline, for example: aerospace pipe bender usually needs high precision, moral flexibility, shipbuilding pipe bender needs particularly large output torque and large specifications of pipe fitting convenient loading and unloading problems.The automotive industry requires a particularly high production tempo and reliability and durability.Before transporting, moving and installing the pipe bender, it is necessary to carefully read the safety precautions for transporting, moving and installing the machine, and strictly implement the provisions in the precautions. Most accidents are caused by human negligence and non-compliance with safety regulations.

    Safety precautions for pipe bender transportation and mobile installation should at least include:Pipe bender in transport, lifting, moving, must confirm the machine model in advance and overall dimensions, such as the total weight information, and then choose to bear the weight of the machine wire, hanging pipe bender buckle with the rings, and choose to bear the weight of machine hoisting equipment and handling equipment, pipe bender assembly must be in accordance with the assembly drawing of the instructions,Adequate space must be provided for lifting and erection of the pipe bender.Avoid injuring staff and machine during operation. Personnel unrelated to operation shall not be allowed in the operation area of the pipe bender to avoid injury.


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